Well, i just got back from canada last week and ive been a bit slow in sorting everything out around here. Idles been having some internet troubles at work aswell so hes not been on the case properly either. We are reevaluating how we are going to manage the flyering and promotion for the total niceness events with a generic flyer that we'll put out with the rotating residents and then post the specific line ups on this blog and on the other regular channels. It also looks like ui have finally securred myself a perminanant show on nuskoolbreaks.co.uk/radio, although it is in the daytime it will open new routes t foriegn listeners and offer a foot in a door for getting a later show at some point. Preliminarily it will be from 1-3 GMT every tuesday which will mean there should be one before every total niceness , which will be good and i might have some wierd guests on although it will probable depend on who is free during the day and we be able to come and get drunk of an afternoon. There will definately be an appearance from dj Gul (newport and south wales's finest) but apart from that who can say. The radio show will mainly be breaks'house/electro although i think i'm gonna do a little 30 minute grime/dubstep education spot every week just to keep people up to date with some different music that they might not know about. My two weeks in canada went even better than expected with some crazy sites to be seen and a set in one of the better/best clubs in Ottawa which went really well, it really makes a change playing in a club where all the most beautiful girls are just loving the music instead of coming up and asking if you've got any R&B or Garage. I played mostly progressive and tribal house with a spot of breaks to finish and although i didnt educate them about dubstep at the club, i saved it until the after party at chris's house where i was staying and everyone seemd to enjoy it. French canada was definately a highlight of the trip and damn, the girls there are ridiculous. we went to a strip club and this girl was humping the ceiling at the top of this pole, thats a sight i wont forget soon, i tell thee for true. All in all it was a properly decent holiday and me and luke envoy only had two proper bust up which is less than i expected going on holiday with him. Heres a little photo on me sleeping at envoys dads pictursce garden in the middle of knowwhere, i'm looking a bit like a ghosts but then who gives a fuck about that, eh (the eh is in honour of the canadians). I'd like to say a big thanks to steph and mel for putting up with me and envoy and a special thanks to chris for driving us all over the place, letting us stay and generally making sure we had a great time whilst we were in canada, orh and also paying for those table dances at the strip club. i'll be coming back next year if you'll 'ave me and if i can afford it. Props to the paulo and paulo and the Onervesal crew aswell for having play and offering me subsequent gigs next year. Recognise Fools.
eto eto ay ay
eto eto ay ay
eto eto eto!
we hate chelski and we hate chelski, we hate chelski and we hate chelski, we are the chelski, haters.
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