On saturday and sunday i'm working at some crazy free festival in regents park called fruit stock, i'm not sure what im meant to be doing there but hopefully you wont see me going round dressed as a giant lemon or anything stupid like that. Hopefully they'll be some good weather although thatsa never a given on these beautiful isles. Theres a quite eclectic world music line up including giles peterson (who im looking forward to) and loads of other madness and people who I plainly havent heard of but will be good non the less i'm sure. Go to www.fruitstock.com for all your info
needs relating to that. Heres a little picture of the one last year it looks massive.
After the festivites on sunday are finished i'm gonna flee east to the realms of old street for some dubbed out dubstep action with large portions of sub-bass to discombobulate my body to the next dimension. Its got all the regular dubsteppers playing and its lookings to be heavy weight, if only in the bass department. Theres Mala, Coki, Loefah, kode 9 and benny ill . and its at the old blue last, 39 great eastern street ec2, just off old street . it runs from 7-midnight and i reckon its gonna be the perfect way to finish off the weekend. I'll post up the flyer in a minute.
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